Tag Archives: tablets

Technology Addiction Today

8 Nov

  Social Media Sites

     In today’s world, addiction to various forms of technology is on the rise. With the many forms of social media networks that are readily available to everyone, it’s no surprise that this addiction is ever rising. Social media networks have made it easy to sign up and to use accounts and connect with people all over the world. The world literally is at our fingertips. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,  and many others, have made their sites userfriendly, and have found creative ways for drawing and keeping public interest.

     Edudemic is a informative website that is ran by graduate students and teachers who share a passion for learning and educating. They provide a wealth of information which connects education and technology. They have  written a story about a very interesting infographic, created by Onlineeducation.net, which puts a visual to the somewhat scary and overwhelming statistics on just how addicted students are becoming to technology. A sampling of the data from this infograph shows that 98% of students have some sort of digital device, 46% of students state that they would be more likely to read an assignment if it was in digital format, and 91% of students use e-mail as a way to communicate with their teachers. This is just a small bit of the information that they obtained, the infograph shows a great deal more. It’s quite interesting, and a bit scary to think about.

     Technology is becoming so advanced, that I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future various platforms such as ebinars replaced most traditional classrooms; or at the very least increased the classroom size by allowing students to log into lectures and participate through screensharing and other methods.

     These addictions and changes are both good and bad. Technology growth can be overwhelming, and can take out the personalization aspect of the classroom. I hope that traditional classrooms stay around because as much as I love technology and all of the various social media networks, I will always love the interaction and personal touch of a traditional classroom.